Protect CIC’s Right to Regulate Rentals

A bill is being considered in the California state legislature that will create significant harm to California’s more than 55,000 common interest developments if passed. Thanks to all our advocates, another harmful bill (AB 3040) is no longer being considered.

 AB 3182 places unreasonable restrictions on your association’s ability to enact rental restrictions by creating a one size fits all approach to California homeowner associations. CAI believes that these decisions are best left to association residents and the volunteer board members elected to serve the community. 

 Unfortunately, amendments were just introduced that make this bill more harmful. The new amendments mandate associations with rental restrictions different than AB 3182 update their governing documents prior to 2022 to match those outlined in the bill, create a civil penalty that requires associations pay damages to owners who receive wrongful application denials, and allow owners to place both an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) AND a Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit (JADU) on their property.

 Please take less than five minutes to tell your legislators to OPPOSE AB 3182.